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N-methylpyrrolidone manufacturer
4Industry information

Whether Waste NMP (Waste N-Methyl Pyrrolidone) is a Dangerous Waste

NMP is the main solvent of cathode slurry and evaporates < br /> after high temperature heating in cathode coating process. Waste liquid recovered by post-condensation.
NMP: Molecular formula: C5H9NO, molecular weight: 99.1322, CAS: 872-50-4. Colorless transparent oily liquid, slightly aminated < br />. Odor. Melting point - 24.4 C. Boiling point 203 (?), 150 (?) C (30.66 kPa), 135 (?) C (13.33 kPa), 81-82 (?) C (1.33 kPa) < br />. 。 Flash point 95 C. The relative density was 1.0260 (25/25 C). The refractive index nD (25 C) is 1.486. Viscosity (25 C) 1.65 mPa.s.
It can dissolve with water, alcohol, ether, ester, ketone, halogenated hydrocarbon and aromatics. Low volatility, good thermal and chemical stability. Rats
Oral toxicity LD50 = 3914 mg/kg, and percutaneous toxicity LD50 = 8000 mg/kg in rabbits. Oral low toxicity, not food and beverage; skin < br /> Skin contact is non-toxic and can be used as industrial solvent. It is non-toxic to the environment. It is easy to degrade.
The project produces more than 900 tons of waste NMP annually. Now the problem is that the owner has always said that waste NMP is not hazardous waste, because it does not contain national < br />. The nature of T (toxicity) in the hazardous waste list of HW42 waste organic solvents (the Owner provided a large amount of information to prove
) But our point of view is that it has been classified as a waste organic solvent of HW42. Whether it is toxic or not, it should be dangerous < br />. Dangerous waste. The two sides are deadlocked... What's your opinion?
Next:Use of NMP
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Keywords: lithium battery wholesale _ NMP methylpyrrolidone